Please can all teams make sure they submit their player registrations via the FA WGS ASAP, thanks.
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Player Registration Window Extended

Wednesday 20 March 2024 09:30 by Skem JFL

Due to the number of games that we still have to play this season, and the number of teams that have requested special dispensation to register new players, the Committee have decided to extend the player registration window for all teams.

Therefore, the player registration window has been extended from 31st January to Thursday 4th April, and we hope this helps teams out for the remainder of the season.

This is subject to the following conditions:

  • Only new player registrations will be accepted, i.e. we will not process transfers from other teams in our league during this extension period. This is because we don't want teams in our league losing players.
  • Cancellations will also be accepted.
  • If a player registration is cancelled by a team first, and that player is then registered to a new team, that is fine as the FA Whole Game System won't class this as a transfer. It's up to the two teams to work this out together without Committee involvement.

We have logged into the FA Whole System and processed all pending new registrations and cancellations.

A reminder that whilst the player registration window is open, players need to have their registration submitted by 11:59pm on a Thursday in order to be eligible to play on the following Sunday.

Special Dispensation #

Once the player registration window closes again at 11:59pm on Thursday 4th April, special dispensation will be required from the Committee to sign any new players.

Special Dispensation is at the Committee's sole discretion, and will only usually be given if the player doesn't play for another team in our league (i.e. no transfers), if a team is short on numbers so is at risk of not being able to field a team for matches, or if a team doesn't have a goalkeeper.

Squad Lists #

As a reminder to what has already been posted on the Manager WhatsApp Groups, managers must have a print-out of their squad list from the FA Whole Game System with them at all times.

The squad list print-outs should be exchanged with the opposition manager before the start of each game. If a manager wishes to challenge the eligibility of any of the opposition players, they must inform the referee and the opposition manager at or before half time. The referee will make a note of this and report the details to the committee.

Managers no longer need to have their squad lists laminated and signed by the League Secretary. We are now happy for managers to print out their own squad lists directly from the FA Whole Game System and use this print-out. If any player registrations change, it's the manager's responsibility to make sure they have an up-to-date squad list print-out from the FA WGS.