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Closure of the 2019/20 Season

Thursday 4 June 2020 20:00 by Skem JFL

First of all, we hope that everyone has been staying safe in lockdown over the past few months during these unprecedented times.

Closure of the 2019/20 Season

As you all know, the 2019/20 grassroots football season was brought to an immediate end by the FA at the end of March due to COVID-19.

The season has not been kind to us - we’ve had one of the wettest seasons in recent memory, followed by its abrupt end due to the global pandemic.

We did wonder about putting on a mini-tournament or a pre-season cup competition in July or August, but due to the social distancing measures that are likely to still be in place by then, we decided that it wouldn't be practical to do this.

Therefore, we are working on the assumption that the 2020/21 season will be starting on Sunday 6th September 2020.

We are hoping that the season will be safe to start by then, kids of all ages will be back in school, and day-to-day life will hopefully be returning to some sort of normality.

We will be taking whatever health and safety precautions the government and FA put in place for grassroots football next season, and we will post more about this once the information becomes available.

On a positive note, the council have been carrying out their maintenance work on the pitches, and we have put out a separate announcement about the 2020/21 season.

The Skelmersdale JFL Committee would like to thank all the teams that took part in the league during the 2019/20 season, and we look forward to seeing you at the start of the new season. If anyone has any queries about anything in the meantime, please email them to Jon, our League Secretary, at secretary@skemjfl.co.uk.

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